Date Night With Danny

Debunking The Top 4 Juiciest Pinterest Myths [Ep.2]

Danielle Ashworth Episode 2

If you ever feel like you have no idea what’s right and wrong about Pinterest and if it’s even worth it for your wedding creative business, then ya need to listen up!! We are debunking the top 4 myths of Pinterest showing you *exactly* why you need to start taking Pinterest seriously and stop wasting your time wondering if Pinterest is the right move, because, well it is! 

Today we go into the top 4 pinterest myths below spilingl all the tea… 

1) “Pinterest doesn’t actually work and will never bring me inquiries and bookings” 

2) “Using Pinterest is a waste of time… I started this month and saw no results” 

3) “Pinterest is only used for food & workout inspiration” 

4) “Anytime I blog I can just pin all of the photos to Pinterest at once” 

It’s time to start taking Pinterest seriously ya’ll. 

Pinterest is one of the most underrated platforms to use with photographers & wedding creatives. If you’re ready to start utilizing Pinterest marketing in your biz then come hit a girl up. 

The Money Making Bundle (CEO of Pinterest course & Blogging with Impact course) will teach you everything you need to know to manage your Pinterest and Blogs on your own including the basics and strategies to both. 

The Playbook will teach you all the strategies inside of Pinterest & Blogs! 

Check out my website for all other management services & to learn more about me! 

